Who is the group for? This group is mostly for adults (16 to 99+!), but children aged 12-16 are also welcome to come and learn, if supervised by a responsible adult.
When is it on? The dances start at 2:30pm, with a beginners’ class at 2:00pm.
See the calendar page for details of dance dates and location.
Do I need to book? You can come to any session, just ‘pay as you go’ for each one.  You don’t need to book in advance, although it is helpful if you email to say you intend coming, to get an idea of numbers.  When you arrive, just put your £3 in the box and join in.
Is there a mailing list? Yes.  Just email us and we’ll add you to the list.  Reminders are sent about a week before each event.
What should I wear? We just wear normal clothes but you may wish to remove a layer as you warm up during the dancing.
Sensible fairly flat shoes are recommended, high heels are not suitable for this type of dancing.
Do I need to bring a partner? No, it’s fine to come alone, just bring your enthusiasm.  Gentlemen are encouraged to dance with each of the ladies, and it’s fine for ladies to dance with ladies if one is willing to learn the men’s steps!  In any case, we dance as much with everyone else in the set as our partner, and we encourage everyone to change partners between each dance.
I have never done dancing before. Before each session there will be a ½-hour class at 2:00pm for those who have never done country dancing before (or recently) and would like a quick guide or refresher!
Then from 2:30pm, all dances are “walked through” first and then called during the dance – so no need to worry about memorising the steps.  There’s no fancy footwork to master – it’s mostly just walking!
The whole idea of the club is to have an enjoyable afternoon: “Have a go and have fun!” – so don’t take it too seriously, we all make mistakes!
I have never been before – what happens when I arrive? We are there from 2:00pm (see above), so just come in and make yourself known to us.  New members are always welcome.
Do I have to dance all afternoon? You can dance all the dances or sit out and watch some – it depends on how you feel.
Do I need to bring refreshments? Just before 3:30pm, we stop for a refreshment break.  Biscuits are served free of charge, but please bring your own drinks (non-alcoholic, please).
You might like to bring a bottle of water to drink during the dancing.
The break is a good time to talk to others and make new friends.
Is it the same every week? There are 1000s of dances! – we will repeat some dances to get to know them better, as well as introducing new dances as we go along.
We dance a mixture of American Contra Dances, Modern English Country Dances and “Playford”-style English Country Dances. However, separate classes may be run at a later date if there is enough demand.
Do you have a live band? The dancing is currently to recorded music, but we are very keen to encourage instrumentalists to play for us.  We have some printed music to get you started. If you are interested, please let John know.
Do you need Callers? We are keen to find other people interested in calling the dances, so that John gets a chance to dance himself!  We are hoping to find enough callers to create a rota, so John is happy to provide guidance to those who might like to “try their hand”.
John has hundreds of calling cards.  Please just ask him.